
The Contra games are run 'n gunners you twit, not shmups.
Gradius, Batsugun, Gaiares, Ikaruga, Zero Gunner 2, Gunbird, Soukyugurentai -- those are shmups.

Contra, Alien Hominid, Gunforce, Gunstar Heroes, Gunner's Heaven -- those are run 'n gunners.
by LoneSage December 28, 2005
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Short for "shoot-em-up". A videogame genre in which you usually play the role of a spaceship or a soldier and must destroy everything in your path.
Contra is the best shmup ever!
by Recoil September 24, 2004
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Short for "shoot-em-up"
A videogame genre in which you play the role of a spaceship pilot(3rd person view, up or side view) and shoots at everything on-screen(enemies, power-ups, etc).
R-Type, Gradius, Starforce, Pulstar, Batsugun, Gaiares, Ikaruga, Zero Gunner 2, Gunbird, Soukyugurentai
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A slang term for "Shoot 'em ups" when discussing video games. Also defined as a FPS (first person shooter) or simply shooter games.
"Xbox 360 sure has a lot of upcoming shmups!"
by lucky644 December 8, 2008
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A word used to describe a friend/person, generally used after the word YUP.
Person 1: "Hey, wanna hang?"
Person 2: "Yup shmup!"
by Sr777 June 9, 2014
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