1. When a group of males begin to talk about a topic of specific interest to the male gender (ie. video games, sex, steaks) causing the males to speed up and group together leaving the females of the group behind

2. Separated by gender

3. Exclusion of the opposite sex
1. Female #1 - "What just happened?"

Female #2 - "I think a sexgregation just took place."

2. Female #1 - "The males just sexgregated again."

Female #2 - "Figures. I feel like Rosa Parks on a bus, except even the coloured males get to sit at the front."
by Simpsonsfreak555 December 2, 2010
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the act of dividing along gender lines in a group setting
After dinner the group sexgregated with the guys playing poker around the table and the girls swapping stories in the living room.
by J.Phil August 5, 2010
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