when you are standing there minding your own business and then WHAM! Out shoots a turd that squishes into the insides of your underwear (or boxers) so fast that you dont even know its coming.
This is often the cause of alot of ridicule and name calling. In fact, you may just be "The kid who should wear diapers" for the rest of your life. Or just for the duration of the school year.
OMG! Look at that kid! He just shot out a scud missile right in the middle of wal-mart!
by rachael wiegand July 6, 2008
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A plastic bag filled with human excrement thrown out of a window. Common in undeveloped nations where toliets in houses are rare.
by Timothy J. Tucker November 7, 2008
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I gave her an Armenian Scud Missile and she freaked out, yelling "Its in my eye! Its in my eye!". All in all it was a good thursday.
by schoolsoutforsummer May 5, 2011
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