The ancient method in which men deal with disagreements whilst playing Scrabble by presenting each other with their thick and pulsating lumps of man meat, and battle it out in the same style as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in the final moments of the Empire Strikes Back. The winner is either the last man standing who still has the head of their love pump still attached, or the man who is able to successfully convince the other that he is their father.
Sir! T H I C C is not the correct spelling, it is spelled T H I C K - and if you continue to demand to be correct without having the financial capability of purchasing a dictionary and proving yourself to be correct, then I must challenge you to a bout of Scrobbling! PRESENT YOUR MAN MEAT!
by hatthered August 8, 2018
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When automatically sends the name of each song played by audio player, they call this “scrobbling.”
The application will scrobble your playlist.
by Biglikeoak November 22, 2006
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A term used by Scrobbling involves taking the last songs you played through your media player (eg. iTunes), and filing away the info to improve, and better tailor the songs that are played for you through
After a number of songs are listened to through your media player of choice, a window from will appear, listing these songs, and confirming that you wish to scrobble them. The user has the option of de-selecting songs that they do not wish to scrobble.
I scrobbled all of my favorite songs today and now is recommending much better music.
by Lois MacNeill November 5, 2008
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What the fuck is a scrobble? A scrobble is a made up word meant to mean "listeners" or "replays" in the music streaming app. Why scrobbles? Nobody fucking knows. It's a scrobble damnit.
Jenny: "I just got fourteen scrobbles last week"
Jack: "What the fuck is a scrobble?"
Jenny: "Im famous, bitch."
by andrewball February 8, 2018
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Verb: To kidnap or capture. In particular to throw a bag or cloth over the head and bundle the victim away.

The term was coined by John Masefield in "The Midnight Folk", published in 1827, and is used extensively in the "Box of Delights", published in 1937, where Cole Hawlings is 'scrobbled' by throwing a black bag over his head and bundling him into a car.

Neil Gaiman also used scrobbling in the same sense in “Neverwhere”, published in 1996. Gaiman acknowledges the Box of Delights as the origin of the word.
"... Kay are waiting to scrobble the treacherous cats" Midnight Folk

"We have no intention of violating their market truce. More of waiting till she has left the market and scrobbling her ..." Mr Croup - Neverwhere
by QuidamUD November 9, 2009
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Can replace most verbs to indicate that an action has been performed, and that it has been logged or recorded by a 'scrobbler', which is a system that records whatever you're scrobbling, although the scrobbler may not necessarily exist.
If you played 64 games of Fifa 98: Road To World Cup, you could say "I scrobbled Fifa 64 times today." Or if you were on the phone, you could say "I was updating my PhoneScrobbler".
by McRib August 10, 2005
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Whereby one individual proceeds to sloppily gobble another person's scrotum.
by fiskers January 4, 2006
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