This describes a white person who, with the use of a fake beard and deep tan foundation, dresses up and portrays a person of Arab descent, like black face for African-Americans, or yellow face for Asians. An example of someone performing sand face is actor Sacha Baron Cohan's role as Admiral-General Aladeen in the 2012 comedy movie, The Dictator
Doing sand face in the Middle East is like yelling "BOMB!" at an airport, it's a bad idea all around
by Metallicajunkie October 18, 2018
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(V.)A girl grinding a mans face so fucking hard his nose starts to sand off and become flat
1.Bro 1- what did you and Amy do last night bro?
Bro 2- she sanded my face bro!

2. Jeb and Amy do a lot of face sanding.
by Callmekieth January 30, 2016
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