Samiia is a very smart and pretty girl. She has great friends and she always tries to help them. She Sometime have her bad day but doesn’t let it bring her down . Samiia might have a bad attitude and have a lot of argument with people but she is always a good and happy person in the inside . Samiia love her family and will do any thing for them. She make people laugh when there sad and give the best hugs. Samiia is also caring , mean , kind , loving and weird person so....... anyone that is a friend or family member of Samiia are lucky that they have someone like her in their life
Samiia is very smart and pretty

Samiia has her good days and bad day
by Mazehave44 March 23, 2019
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Samiia is a caring person . She might have some bad day but still get through it. She make friends easily and always happy in the inside. She also might have a bad attitude and and also weird but people love her and she love them. She also tries to look out for people even when they don’t want her to. She give hugs to everyone she knows and care about and try to never let anyone down . She also a very smart girl and can do anything if she put her mind to it
Samiia is funny

Samiia .... she very smart
by Mazskeen45 March 23, 2019
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