safety game

Doorknob is a game in which participants are supposed to say "safety" after they flatuate before other participants say "doorknob". This is known as "calling doorknob". If other participants call doorknob before the flatulater calls safety, then the non-flatuting participants are encouraged to physically assault the flatulater until he or she touches a doorknob. The game is generally assumed to be continuously active, and participants are frequently forced into the game unexpectedly, even against their will.

Rules of safety game
When an individual flatuates, he or she must say the word "safety" in a clear tone so as to be heard by those around him.
If the individual fails to say "safety", participants may say the word "doorknob".
At that time, participants may physically punish the individual who flatuated.
The individual must immediately seek a doorknob 1 and touch it. Once the individual touches said doorknob, the beating must cease.

Many variations exist when doorknobs are either not accessible, or too accessible. A common variation is to replace the doorknob with something that the participants consider undesirable to touch, or something that is impossible, or nearly so, to touch.

^ In strict canon, only a true doorknob is eligible for play. However, in many social circles, house rules have been developed to allow the use of latches, handles, and other devices depending on the general availability of true knobs.
by lee milton May 16, 2006
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safety game

When one person farts and calls the word "Safety" then everyone around must call a color and the last person to call a color has to make a sex noise.....if you say the same color as someone else then you must make a sex noise.
Brandon:"Safety Game"
Stitch:"Yellow.....shit fine ill make the noise........OOOHHHHHHH YYEEEAAAAA!"
by Zach Vaggitt August 7, 2007
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safety cereal game rules

This game is the same as the safety game, but instead of just touching the doorknob after you flatulate and being called upon by another person, you have to also have to name 5 cereals, all different. The person whom called upon you may still hit you as you name the 5 cereals.
Naming 5 cereals....froot loops, coco puffs, captain crunch, lucky charms, etc.
The safety cereal game rules shouldnt be that hard to understand.
by Citris!!!!! March 4, 2009
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