congratulations, you just got to the most absurd definition on this entire website. How the fuck did you manage to misspell a word so badly that you got here? are you actually fucking retarded? People like you shouldn't have access to the internet, this is the reason cheese is so fucking expensive, because of morons like you.
person 1 - rzyg

person 2 - how many chromosomes do you have?
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congratulations, you just got to the most absurd definition on this entire website. How the fuck did you manage to misspell a word so badly that you got here? are you actually fucking retarded? People like you shouldn't have access to the internet, this is the reason cheese is so fucking expensive, because of morons like you.
Person 1: "rzyg"
Person 2: "Fucing dumbass"
by yslasshole March 18, 2020
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No i dont think you misspelled this, apparently its a shortened version of the polish word "Rzygać" and it means "throwing up" or "puking".
Person 1: hey look at this picture of *(ur mom)*

Person 2: "rzyg"
by Melis0 April 13, 2021
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