Very confused and very caring girl ,

She has a temper like volaco but not for so long

Very intelligent and loves to write

She has a potential to do any thing

Ms. Perfect

Much interested in Athletics

Very beautiful girl with a beautiful soul you ever seen

She never cheat on any one ,
Trusts everyone immediately .

Much confusing ,
Also loves food , very conscious about her dressing scence and very glamrous girl

Completely a wife material
The word ranjitha being defined as:
For examlple 1. Hey thankyou for caring

Caring is being defined as ranjitha
by Alpha master November 23, 2021
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Describes someone who is 'pro' in life.
Omg! This girl Pooja is very ranjithaic.
How do I be so ranjithaic?
by Starawolf98 September 27, 2020
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Origin form a hindu religion , indian girl name

Very caring and beautiful girl you ever seen
She has interest in Athletics

Very kind inside and outside

An introvert but extrovert with their people

Loves to write , who spends more money

A trust worsthy person you have ever seen
A girl with much ambitions will be a great person in the future that even you can't believe

Very intelligent ,

Finally a charming face in your friends group

A wife material , the husband is very lucky to have her even or her boyfriend
The word ranjitha is defined as

Ex. 1. hey thank you for caring !
Where caring refers to ranjitha

Ex.2. A beutiful person is coming on here

Beautiful person is ranjitha
by Alpha master November 23, 2021
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