r/teenagers but with more “shitposts” and everyone there is amazing.
Person 1: He’s on r/teenagersbutpog?

Person 2: Yeah he must be amazing then!
by u/I-followamazingfolk May 19, 2021
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The most pog and epic subreddit in the world
Person:Hey r/teenagers succs
Big brain person 2:Hey check out r/teenagersbutpog
by arccer May 10, 2021
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Person 1:r/teenagers succ
Big brain person 2:r/teenagersbutpog is way better
by arccer May 10, 2021
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exactly like r/teenagers in every way, except people just complain about r/teenagers
Man, r/teenagersbutpog is a lot like r/teenagers!
by Big pog man May 18, 2021
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