You reached prolonged levels of boredom to the point where vgytfcrdxeszwaquhbijnokmpl wasnt enough. You first tried qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. Then you tried mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq etc, etc.
Mom walks into the room
Mom: what are you doing?
Son: i typed qvqgqyqtqfqcqrqdqxqeqsqzqwqaqqquqhqbqiqjqnqoqkqmqpql in urbandictionary
Mom: calls 911
by Notmelol123 January 5, 2022
Get the qvqgqyqtqfqcqrqdqxqeqsqzqwqaqqquqhqbqiqjqnqoqkqmqpql mug.