The hottest type of name you will here, that’s why no one ever can pronounce it right since they fear the person who says it on saying it right. A pretty hard name to find and pronounce.
Friend: Hey I how are you doing Quilan
Quilan: I am at the most serious feeling I am at the moment.
by Thatguyisreallyhulk September 11, 2020
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Quilan is the kind of person you want to be around. He is full of unrelenting jubilation and indubitable inquisitiveness. A Quilan loves learning whether it be from books, podcasts, or from other people. He embodies the phrase iron sharpens iron so if you're looking to befriend a Quilan get ready to level up.
"Hey John, what do I do if I want to change the world?"
"Well, first, get yourself a Quilan."
by kjarn December 1, 2021
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