OK, so congratulations,you have destroyed the world. Sorry about the crappy processor but in about 5 minutes a black hole will appear. Again, congratulations.
Alright boys, i just typed qewretrytuyiuoipoadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzcxvcbvnbmn and a black hole is going to appear in about 5 minutes, so go kiss your loved ones goodbye now.
by VADIM BLYAT December 10, 2020
Get the qewretrytuyiuoipoadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzcxvcbvnbmn mug.
OK, so congratulations,you have destroyed the world. Sorry about the crappy processor but in about 5 minutes a black hole will appear. Again, congratulations.
Alright boys, i just typed qewretrytuyiuoipoadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzcxvcbvnbmn and a black hole is going to appear in 5 minutes, so go kiss your crushes now.
by VADIM BLYAT December 10, 2020
Get the qewretrytuyiuoipoadsfdgfhgjhkjlkzcxvcbvnbmn mug.