bill: are you going out with meg
bob: that psychoslut? no fucking way

jane: i heard susie had sex for the 75th time
jill: the poor psychoslut.
by your mommy!!! May 15, 2011
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noun: psychoslut; plural noun: psychosluts; noun: psychosluti; plural noun: psychoslutus

a guide of souls to the place of the lewd.
Zachariah was a psychoslut. Everytime he met someone new, he'd introduce them to the world of lewd!
by ChatterChats October 6, 2020
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noun: psychoslut; plural noun: psychosluts; noun: psychosluti; plural noun: psychoslutus

(in Rapture mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the lewd.
Zachariah was a psychoslut. Everytime he met someone new, he'd be extremely lewd with them
by ChatterChats October 6, 2020
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