A psycho mom is the type of mom who hates her daughters. Defends her sons regardless of what sick twisted crap they do. The type of mom who says things like " I have to critisize and put down my children so they know what they have done wrong", "you are imaginating things", "Whoowerr" " I can understand why someone would beat you" "you are asbusing me" (note: spelling mistakes are not mistakes that is ACTUALLY what she says).
She lays on the couch eating (yes, while laying down) and doesn't feed anyone else. Goes out for take out as long as someone will drive her claiming there's no food she can eat but tells the kids cook themselves dinner. " There is food there for you, it is just I can not eat it"
She yells at people when they are not even there. You may think she is on the phone speaking with someone and then "ring" the phone starts ringing causing you to question her grip on reality.
Generally neglectful towards childrens need especially female children. Verbally abusive, has mental breakdown on regular basis, has not shaved her head yet but who knows what the future will hold.
" my Psycho mom was yelling at my dad for 45 mins one day"
"Whatever, my mom does that all the time"
" yea but my dad was at a movie with my brother the whole time with no phone what-so-ever."
by SurreyWhaaaaaat February 24, 2010
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parents who can't control there alcohol and like to drive around searching for there daughter and going to Mcdonalds threatening to shoot minors
Psycho mom:
Children- fuck you lady go home
Children- Who the fuck do you think you are your making a fucking fool of yourself go home
Mom-FUCK YOU (leaves)
by lreggies August 21, 2010
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1.A condition of the female human usually resulting from the repetitive noise,and/or whining,fighting, begging by her offspring.Usually includes displays of snarling,screaming and use of four letter words.
2.A condition that may or may not be hastened by PMS,roughly equivalent to Defcon 1.
"After 3 hours alone in the minivan with her two kids bickering,complaining and 'not touching each other', Bonnie went completely psycho hag mom on them."
"Yes,it is getting close to that time of the month,honey-WHY DO YOU ASK?"
frazzled moms irritating kids minivan PMS defcon one
batshit minivan syndrome
by Bart's Mom August 5, 2009
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