privtwt is the superior version of maintwt, where everyone is a private account, and everyone who follows you is your moot. georgeburians are not welcome on privtwt. many people on privtwt are more unhinged and funnier than maintwt, as you have more creative freedom on privtwt. you can express yourself and any crazy insane thoughts about minecraft youtubers you may have.
Person A: gnf is Literally a woman she/mew vibes
Person B: are you on privtwt?
by cheesybaconfries April 21, 2022
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A group of people with accounts dedicated to being private, most used to vent, some just to be separated from what is known as 'maintwt' the accounts mostly have close friends on them, which are also private accounts
Person 1: Hey, are you on privtwt?
Person 2: Yes I am! Go and request me, @____
Person 1: I will :)
by Dreamhangout August 15, 2021
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