Main Entry: pri·et
Pronunciation: prI-et
Function: noun
a concentrated regimen of eating and drinking sparingly, as well as intense exercise, taken upon to reduce one's weight and refine one's physique in preparation for Gay Pride Week.
Brooke: "Have you noticed that all of the gay guys at our gym are less talkative, all of a a sudden?"
Nicole: "It's the begining of June, so they're all on intense priets, as to look their best for Pride at the end of the month."
by KurtTO May 19, 2008
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Main Entry: pri·et
Pronunciation: prI-et
Function: noun/adjective
A very handsome guy from the outskirts of Madrid with family backgrounds in the North (mostly from Basque Country)

Term used in a Legaragüi context
Example: How priet you are!
handsome cute basque
by Lucy_Leotards January 20, 2016
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