Joe: Chelsea Clinton sure looks like Afleet Alex.
Shmoe: What does that have to do with the price of beans?
Shmoe: What does that have to do with the price of beans?
by Joao Bufamarillo May 14, 2005
Lowest common denominator - Defined during some verbal exchanges amoung young professionals as being the easiest, lowest or least intellectual retort during a jokingly heated verbal exchange and can also often referred to as the "smart price tin of beans"
Glen: "That's it Smiffy, as always go for the lowest common denominator"
Smiffy: "*mocking hand action* blah blah blah, lowest common denominator as always you opt for your asda smart price beans comment when you have nothing more to say"
Glen: "typical Smiffy"
Smiffy: "*mocking hand action* blah blah blah, lowest common denominator as always you opt for your asda smart price beans comment when you have nothing more to say"
Glen: "typical Smiffy"
by miffysa July 13, 2010