a mix of pretension and potential. the word originated on t3h internets...and that is most likely where it will stay.
by phillyb March 27, 2007
Used to describe the strength of intoxicants, usually of the green variety, the level of pronunciation indicating the strength
by Rory Gordziejko April 25, 2005
1. Awesome; something truly awe-inspiring.
2. Something so cool, it leaves one without the ability to explain its greatness.
2. Something so cool, it leaves one without the ability to explain its greatness.
by Magmeezie August 27, 2003
A popular category on Jeopardy. Actually means "Strong Drinks", though it's quite common that illiterate folks would think it means "stinky drinks".
by Paul June 6, 2005
Short form of potential tail. Refers to a girl than you could have whenever you wanted, but for whatever reason decide you do not pursue. Potent-tail refers to stockpile of women available at a moment's notice should the mood strike
by Manchild59 September 26, 2009
amazing, mental, very good indeed. Used to describe objects or experiences rather than people. The addition of boy at the end can be used to add extra emphasis.
"Shall we go up the park and drink some Buckfast?
"Oh aye, its a potent day for it. Lets go"
"I scored some weed last night so take your pipe as well."
"Potent boy!"
"Oh aye, its a potent day for it. Lets go"
"I scored some weed last night so take your pipe as well."
"Potent boy!"
by anna apple October 12, 2003
The pussy we all dream about and strive for. This pussy is typically young, wet, warm, and ready to go and simply feels the best to slide a cock into. Case and point: I want a piece of potent pussy!
Booker: Aw shi' nig, nigga I ain't had any nice cunt this week, know what I saying. Shi', know what I saying an' the last pussy I fucked was dry like a desert.
Chris: Dude, I totally just came in Shelby's cunt a few minutes ago. Now that was some potent pussy right there, you should try it out!
Chris: Dude, I totally just came in Shelby's cunt a few minutes ago. Now that was some potent pussy right there, you should try it out!
by LivingInABra October 26, 2007