A politicalist is someone who has a strong opinion regarding politics and is constantly posting things showing why their side is correct and the other side is idiotic.
John's tweet: "The political college is rigged! Trump is #NotMyPresident #ImWithHer"

(John repeats this several times)

Steve: "Dude, John is such a politicalist. Why doesn't he just shut up for once! I'm sick of being constantly bombarded by politics like seriously."
by Caasis May 3, 2017
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politicalist - charactised by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against conservatives, on the basis of their political affiliation.

Politicalist - a person with politicalist views.
Just like racists, a politicalist use hate and prejudice to silence those they disagree with.

She is a politicalist she refused to hire me because she thinks I am a conversative.
by TheGen2021 January 12, 2021
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