by karenshii&beffa May 6, 2009
One of the coolest persons you can meet, too funneh for words, with the list of endless bands you've never herd of but are still cooler than you, hit him up if your ever bored hahaahh
P1: Hahah, have you talked to pachi lately?
P2: Hahahah, nah but I herd he ran out on his family last night and blew up some super market
P2: Hahahah, nah but I herd he ran out on his family last night and blew up some super market
by CHIKACHIKACHIKA BUU August 11, 2008
Pachi is the best weeb friend in the flipping word. She has messy curly hair and will always be there for you. She always carries a bar of soap for no reason. She likes the number nine for no absolute reason.
~pachi is also the onomatopoeia for “clap clap” in japanese.
~pachi is also the onomatopoeia for “clap clap” in japanese.
by kanjiですね January 17, 2021
by StoriedLeaf April 28, 2010
by old gregster July 11, 2008
when one opens a packet of liquid and spin around with it facing outward and spattering on someone else
by my friend jack did this to me October 3, 2018
by itslitbro122222 November 12, 2019