A vegetarian who eats eggs. Even those who become vegetarians for moral reasons can eat eggs, because those sold as food are not fertilised and can thus never develop into birds.
Alice: Can I get some egg salad over here?
Bob: Egg salad? I thought you were a vegetarian.
Alice: I'm an ovo-vegetarian, actually.
Bob: Egg salad? I thought you were a vegetarian.
Alice: I'm an ovo-vegetarian, actually.
by Darth Ridley April 27, 2007
person a: i am a vegetarian
person b: then why the hell are you drinking milk that comes from a cow.
person a: i am a lacto ovo vegetarian.
person b: then stop drinkning milk!
person a: *mutters*dumass*
person b: then why the hell are you drinking milk that comes from a cow.
person a: i am a lacto ovo vegetarian.
person b: then stop drinkning milk!
person a: *mutters*dumass*
by 'ninjas'rawk'my'shoes' March 4, 2006
The most common vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy but not poultry, meat, or fish. They can also eat gelatin, bonemeal, and some fats but most don't.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians usually turn lacto-ovo to lose weight, prevent diseases, or for their love of animals.
by McKena February 12, 2006