A line of reasoning or statement that doesn't logically follow the previous statement.
I have to use the word non sequitur in a sentence. It's about as funny as a whore fucking a retard instead of me. I didn't do that. I will do that. Those two things are not mutually exclusive and is not hypocritical. You're a dumb. You're not a smart. The fact that you have been allow to keep you tongue is something. Not obsessed with anything but having to listen to it every day is going to make raping her and killing it more satisfying than any sex they've had here. She deserves it. It isn't a person. They are going to have it happen to then because the people involved made it the only viable choice. They all deserve it.
by Hym Iam December 3, 2020
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1. A statement that only just succeeds in logically following the statement that came before it.

2. A statement that logically follows the statement that came before it, but to an insignificant degree.
Adi: Cha' it makes sense, twas a borderline non sequitur though. You were quite roundabout in the way you were trying to explain your point. I almost thought you were about to continue that abrupt transition to it's endmost unrelated-ness. Where we would begin exploring a path of some non sequitur, but you just barely somehow inbrought all those tangential thoughts together to explain your point. I'm impressed.
by MoribundMurdoch November 3, 2020
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