The illusion you are living a normal lidlfe until you wake up in a hospital realising you failed suicide 4 months ago and you survived.
This patient experienced Brain Scope 1
by Vortex Define August 13, 2019
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To sight your gun in.
I’m going to be “scoping my gun in” today before I hit the woods for deer season this weekend. “
“Hey Jed did you “scope your gun in” yet? Deer season is coming quick.
by Redneck Runner March 11, 2022
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A:what is wrong with you Brian?
B: ...
C:He can't hear you,he is in booty scope
by bootyscope September 17, 2015
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Short for 'scopolamine', or 'burandanga', derived from nightshade plants. There are countless stories about how criminals in Colombia and Ecuador use the drug, which is said to remove a person’s free will, to assault victims or rob them. It is also known as “devil’s breath”.
Mike: I thought I met a nice Colombian girl last night but she scoped me.
Jim: That sucks, did she steal anything?
Mike: Yes. My wallet, phone, passport, and left kidney.
by s1n1st3rr March 7, 2022
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When a broadcast on the Periscope app has issues with basic features such as slow loading when going live and not all followers are notified.
When I started a broadcast on Periscope, not all of my followers were notified that I was on, so "scope is broke".
by PeriscopeUser2802 February 17, 2019
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Person who introduces scope to the project without first considering the impacts to the team.
Team Member 1: Johnny keeps adding changes to the app and now we have sooo many things to validate.

Team Member 2: Wow what a scope creeper.
by betterthanatrademark February 9, 2021
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When someone is really into astrollogy, and goth, and wicca, and crystals, and is also generally kinda sexy and interesting, but also you just expect her to turn into some anchient witch and ride off on a broomstick at any second.
Damn, did you see that new girl at work? Bruh, she's a total Horor Scope, god damn it, not again... I can't do this shit again...
by boronanon September 8, 2022
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