A Nigger Kike Jew, a racial slur for an african american man who also happens to be of a jewish descent.
"Lost Spartan, you are such a NKJ."
by DEGENERATE BA March 29, 2020
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A nigger kike jew, an african american man which also happens to be of Jewish descent.
"Lost Spartan, you are such a NKJ."
by DEGENERATE BA March 29, 2020
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1.stands for north korean jew.
2.looks exactly like a piece of shit
4.likes ice cream on his face
5.likes to piss in his pants

New Kid: oh crap! some dude took a huge shit over there!
Kid: oh i forgot to tell you... thats not a piece of shit! thats NKJ!
(whole school lols)
Ben : Hey NKJ do scissor paper stone with Canoe
(NKJ loses)
(ice cream is splat on his face and water is poured onto his pants)
Ben: lol
by eom March 2, 2008
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