
What the smokes in that cigarette box on the table just happen to be laced with.
"Oh, and the smokes in that cigarette box on the table, they just so happen to be laced with nitroglycerin." - There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey (You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet)
by Emo Jesus July 11, 2008
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Substance which is almost as versitle as peanut butter

Nitroglycerin is a highly explosive substance that is not available to the general public due to its extremely unstable chemical complex
dynamite has nitroglycerin as an active ingredient
by tuxy August 6, 2009
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A very high powered explosive that is very unstable and can explode for the slightest shake or change in temperature, and is kept in snowy areas that are cold to keep it more stable.
Watch the movie vertical limit which shows its great power.
by X-MaFia March 8, 2005
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