by bzz9695 March 24, 2010
A game in which any player can pass a nip to another player by causing them to catch, or otherwise, take a nip in their hand.
The receiving player must drink the nip.
If a player attempts to pass a nip but the receiving player does not catch the nip or does not accept the nip — the nip becomes the receiver’s ammunition.
Nuanced rules include:
1. The receiver may drink half the nip, the remaining half becomes their ammunition.
2. The receiver May decline drinking the nip if they’re
i. Driving later
ii. Pregnant
iii. Just not feeling it
If any reasons i-iii are used to decline nip slip the sender may chose to give the ammunition to the receiver or recover the ammunition for later use.
Foreknowledge as a prerequisite for play:
Much like the game, players must be aware of nip slip to be subject to its rules. New players must have the rules described to them and consent to play. It is recommended that immediately upon explanation a nip is passed to new players.
The receiving player must drink the nip.
If a player attempts to pass a nip but the receiving player does not catch the nip or does not accept the nip — the nip becomes the receiver’s ammunition.
Nuanced rules include:
1. The receiver may drink half the nip, the remaining half becomes their ammunition.
2. The receiver May decline drinking the nip if they’re
i. Driving later
ii. Pregnant
iii. Just not feeling it
If any reasons i-iii are used to decline nip slip the sender may chose to give the ammunition to the receiver or recover the ammunition for later use.
Foreknowledge as a prerequisite for play:
Much like the game, players must be aware of nip slip to be subject to its rules. New players must have the rules described to them and consent to play. It is recommended that immediately upon explanation a nip is passed to new players.
by Nipslipmaster October 24, 2023
by Social Media Sigmund December 12, 2015