Has two major connotations, depending on how you feel about the subject matter of something portraying African-Americans in a negative stereotypical light. To clarify:

a.) used lightly as internet word to describe blaxploitation style pop culture items or parodies on African-American themes

b.) used as a harsh internet adjective to criticize pop culture items that seem to perpetuate negative stereotypes of African-American lifestyles
context a) From the blog Day to Day:

"And any scene with Clifton Powell aka "Pinky" in Friday in it is an instantly hilarious classic. That is, if you don't mind ni99orant comedy.

context b) From the blog Just My Thoughts, in reference ot the Fantasia song "Baby Momma": a song that ends in the line "These days it's like a badge of honor to be a babies momma" is "ni99orant shyt"
by sexyescalator July 11, 2009
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