1) The biggest nerd in a group of people
2) "Nerd of the herd" is not to be confused with the "Geek of the week" or "Tool of the day". The nerd of the herd remains as such until they quit being such a loser
1) Meaghan: OMG, Pete brought his laptop to school again.
Rebecca: I know! He's definately the nerd of the herd.

2) Mike: Ew, look how Jenny has her boyfriend whipped. That guy's the nerd of the herd.
Chris: You retard, he's not a nerd, hes a fucking tool!
by Megman June 29, 2006
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A large group of nerds of either one or multiple kinds, who are mutually friends. Like any gang, except that all members know calculus, have an opinion on the economy, philosophy, and will try to convert you to their OS/Browser/Console. And are less likely to be able to take you in a fight.
Sometimes acting as a guild with a monopoly on intellect, and other times as an average bunch of friends.
Holy shit, how long has the Nerd Herd had girls?
by Vreemdst August 24, 2008
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A herd, group or congregation of nerds.

May be spotted in a nerd bird or library.
Jock 1: "Oh my God, Nerd Herd heading this way!'

Jock 2: "Shh, don't startle them I need help with my math homework."
by KingDork8) March 14, 2010
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The most amazing group of people that love to have fun, definitely one of the most popular groups in school that have powers to change the world!!
by GrandmamaK June 9, 2009
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the process of chasing down, and then seducing, timid, nerdy boys.
"Snagging my new nerdy boyfriend wasn't easy - he was intimidated by me, so I had to employ a bit of nerd-herding."
by Mizg December 10, 2006
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A group of individuals that have nothing better to do rather then staying in classrooms at lunch time.
by Ella December 6, 2003
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The Nerd Herd is a group of fans who worship supermegafoxyawesomehot Cameron Mitchell, a sex god incredibly attractive, awkward and charming. They also worship Cameron's bromance with his irish fellow Damian McGinty.

The Nerd Herd can be easily found in a social network called Tumblr, a place whose definition is fucking awesome.

Never underestimate the Nerd Herd.

-Have you seen the recent posts on Cameron Mitchell on Tumblr?
-I know, the Nerd Herd fans are unstoppable and amazing.

-Nerd Herd, be there or be square!
by lordvoldemort7 August 20, 2011
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