
Tha homie town on tha homie Nile whence come all tha n00bs. In ancient times, n00bia was tha global hub for n00bishness; a great library was built in n00bia, containing records of all tha shanter.
Jahlil: Yo Marcus, what's happenin?
Marcus: Heyyo Jahlil. Lol are you learning about Phosphoglyceraldehyde because you're in BIOOOOO.
Jahlil: Shanter; you must be from n00bia you n00b.
by uzebeckatrente September 8, 2016
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The land were the n00bs live.
noob: liekomg roxors yor boxors omgwtfbbq
dude: stfu noob, run back to n00bia
noob: ,>_<,
by Big D March 15, 2005
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