On the 19th of June, the mug is celebrated. Where selected members will participate in a mug initiation and drink from the sacred mug, before consuming their own beverages.
by Mugmad February 25, 2021
Get the Mug day mug.
Bill:ayo nye, i got some sweet mugs today
Nye: wait is get a mug day already here?
bill: you dumbass
by immaeaturbootay.12345 December 7, 2020
Get the get a mug day mug.
Bill:ayo nye, i got some sweet mugs today
Nye: wait is get a mug day already here?
bill: you dumbass
by immaeaturbootay.12345 December 7, 2020
Get the get a mug day mug.
Bill:ayo nye, i got some sweet mugs today
Nye: wait is get a mug day already here?
bill: you dumbass
by immaeaturbootay.12345 December 7, 2020
Get the get a mug day mug.
Bill:ayo nye, i got some sweet mugs today
Nye: wait is get a mug day already here?
bill: you dumbass
by immaeaturbootay.12345 December 7, 2020
Get the get a mug day mug.
You're meant to give your significant other a mug today.
bob: Hey Lisa I got you a mug!
Lisa: Why..?-
Bob: It's April 14th, aka National Give your significant other a mug day!
by LetMeMakeYourDay April 14, 2022
Get the National Give your significant other a mug day mug.
One day where you put mug pictures of your friends on social medie to embaress them
Happens on the 1st december
My mate hates national mug day
by Talibanmanwithawhitevan November 12, 2019
Get the national mug day mug.