A racial slur used by the Elf-like Eldar in reference to Humans in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,00. In Eldar tongue, it means "Those who must be Exterminated." It also sounds like the word monkey.


The Mon Keigh world is heavily defended. We shall launch the assault at daybreak.
by GearBoxClock July 28, 2009
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In the warhammer 40k universe, a derogitory term for Humans used by the alien Eldar.
Its origins stem from a race of sub-intelligent beasts who once enslaved the eldar and were later killed, and though associated most often with humans, it broadly represents any race which the Eldar deem worthy of extermination.
"filth mon-keigh...you're people know nothing of our pain"

"the mon-keigh cannot hope to withstand the might of the craftworlds"
by TheSanityAssassin November 3, 2004
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