A group of gays who warship queen goddess Niki Nihachu , and God of Pain Scott Smajor , when you enter this brutal group chat you are faced with Scott Smajor and your horrific initiation , do not fight it , he will always win
Person one: I had a nightmare that mibgc…
Person two: *breaks out into tears*
by Bakerytwtbitch October 11, 2021
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"Mibgc", a Twitter group chat of 16 bakers, is a society in which everyone is queer, and Scott Smajor is the lord. They've won four Grammy's, and have performed their hit single "Can I Put My Balls In Your Jaws" at the SuperBowl for three consecutive years. To become 'one of them', you must endure difficult and unruly initiation and subject yourself to the horrors within. Smajor can't hurt you, he can only make you piss yourself.
Person 1: "Pick a number they say, 1-34 they say... little do they know what they're getting in to."
Person 2: "What are you talking about?"
Person 1: "Mibgc... they're responsible for my mental illness AND they're all.. queers.."
Person @: "It's alright, I heard they're endorsed by Smajor1995!"
by berrytales October 11, 2021
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homosexuals who warship queen streamer Niki nihachu , they are all very queer and if you see them on tl you should run
Person one: hey what’s mibgc?

Person two: … *bursts into tears* run RUN
by Bakerytwtbitch October 10, 2021
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