Noun, Verb.

An Alien word that can take the place of any noun, verb, or pronoun. Links have been provided to these words for help with the Gramatically "empaird".


This word came from the Marflargians, where a dialect of English, Marflarg, is spoken. Marflarg has roots that trace to Africa; being from the Click-Click-Dur family before being taken hostage by the U.S. Government (FBI).
(Noun) Hey Bob, do you want to see a marflarg today?

(Verb) Hey Bob, do you want to marflarg a movie today?

(Pronoun) Hey Marflarg, do you want to see a movie today?

(Complete Usage) Hey Marflarg, do you want to marflarg a marflarg today?
by I am who I am. November 30, 2007
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