Brand of cosmetics for the alternative/punk/goth lifestyle. Their signature product is their line of funky semi-permanent hair colors. It was founded by Tish and Snooky Bellomo, singers in the original Blondie lineup. The original Manic Panic shop still stands at St. Marks Place in NYC, but people can buy products at Sallys or any novelty shop.
Boy: "I really wanna dye my mohawk pink!"
Girl: "I could dye it for you!"
Boy: "Sweet!"
Girl: "Let's head over to Sallys to buy some Manic Panic!"
by Manic_Panic007 January 1, 2009
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A store that sells stuff like Hot Topic but isn't as bad. It was formed by the two sisters who were members of Blondie.

They sell their own hair dye.
manic panic hair dye kicks ass!
by AutisticPsycho December 22, 2004
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