Child: "Mommy, I don't want to clean the kitchen!"
Mom: "Do it, or you will have to eat lutefisk again."
Child: "... *Runs to clean the kitchen*"
Mom: "Do it, or you will have to eat lutefisk again."
Child: "... *Runs to clean the kitchen*"
by Norwegian kid. July 11, 2004
Disgusting fish dish served anywhere Scandinavian grandmothers lurk, in the U.S. usually on holidays or other "special occasions." Also makes a frequent appearance on smorgasbords. Best described as fish Jello. Tastes bad and smells worse. Most acidic dish known to man (no joke). Dried codfish is reconstituted in lye (breaking down proteins/any structure), "washed out" with water for a couple of days, and boiled into oblivion. White fish served with a white sauce often on a white plate. Yum! In Minnesota the main event at "lutefisk feeds" organized by the Sons of Norway to benefit the local Lutheran church.
Lena's grandchild: Grandma is busy preparing lutefisk for Christmas dinner again.
Lena's daughter: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Lena's daughter: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
by Scandochick November 12, 2006
A lutefisk lesbian is a lesbian of Norwegian extraction, typically found in Minnesota or North Dakota. She is referred to as such because of their propensity to eat on holidays lutefisk, a type of jellied cod soaked in lye.
by banana oil May 23, 2006
This term denotes a person who was not originally born in Scandanavia, but is of Scandanavian descent and refers to countries like Norway, as their home. These people are characterized by many attributes such as:
- Blonde hair
- Troll-phobia (which accounts for their fear of bridges as well)
- Desire to collect troll memorabilia
- Literacy rate of 100%
- Desire to utter UFF DA whenever feeling slightly dissapointed or upset.
- Scandalous nature
- Insatiable love for the Vikings of Norway such as Eric the Red
- And among many others, the ability to eat Lutefisk, a native codfish soaked in lye, and actually enjoy it.
- Blonde hair
- Troll-phobia (which accounts for their fear of bridges as well)
- Desire to collect troll memorabilia
- Literacy rate of 100%
- Desire to utter UFF DA whenever feeling slightly dissapointed or upset.
- Scandalous nature
- Insatiable love for the Vikings of Norway such as Eric the Red
- And among many others, the ability to eat Lutefisk, a native codfish soaked in lye, and actually enjoy it.
by Brain February 3, 2005
A person,whom,after being to too many Norwegian family reunions, thinks that lutefisk belongs to a food group. (Which, if you really think about it,doesn't)
"YEAHHHH MAN, I was at some party with a Lutefisk Regular, she totally got fucked into believing lutefisk was actually food or something."
by gwacccceee June 29, 2006
A lutefisk lesbian is a lesbian of Norwegian extraction, typically found in Minnesota or North Dakota. She is referred to as such because of their propensity to eat on holidays lutefisk, a type of jellied cod soaked in lye.
by banana oil May 24, 2006