Low-profile wheels (package consisting of rim and tire); usually a minimum of 20 inches in diameter. Vastly used to personalize ones vehicle.
"Dayum! That 'Pala gots some phat-ass low-pros, yo!"
by iAre October 6, 2007
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"those low pro po's swear we cant spot them in crown vics with no plates and a searchlight."
by eson December 17, 2003
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When, after a huge urge to have a dump you deliver a midget turd.
I ate so much last night and yet this morning I just had a low pro poo.
by Halevi August 25, 2016
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very whorish girl who goes down on a man and does it very well
"The low pro hoe was cut like an afro, so what you sayin huh...she's a winner to you?"
But I know she's a loser....me and the crew used to do her
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It means that a female is definatly a whorish girl who likes to go down on a guy,and is very good at doing so.
by Dead In A Ditch November 6, 2009
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Man 1: "Celine gave you a blowjob?"
Man 2: "Yea it was dope. She's a total pro low sippa."
by theprowestlowsippa October 19, 2012
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