Greater than LOL, ROFL, LMAO, LMFAO and ROFFLES, Lolosaurus is perhaps the greatest e-way of saying "I find that funny and would wish to say so in a gradiose fashion" however if it were to ever be translated into a laugh it would kill the laugher.
Billy:*rolls eyes*
Timmy: That's what your mom did last night!
Timmy: Lolosaurus!
by Jeans May 27, 2005
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A larger, more stupid species of the lolozaur family, known for its haunting, beastly cry between other lolosauruses; LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Man 1: "What in the fuck is that?"

Paleontologist: "Oh shit, lolosaurus Rex!"

by Perry H. Christ August 2, 2008
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