Lijna is a smart girl who is considerate and loving. She seem to always try to save the world, at least with the small steps she can take and she is a great communicator although she is introspective as nature. She hate shallow people and not being listened to, therefore she feel most at ease when in situation where she is given the change to offer support and guidance.

She have a domestic nature, she enjoy spending time surrounded by her family, in the convenience of her home. She is also kind-hearted and introspective. Her character is usually wide minded and empathetic she seem to come with the right explanation in no time. She is also pragmatic and efficient. Extreme worriers and sometimes intolerant, she can transform from the most reliable being in the world to the most childish one at a moments notice if she feel she is not being taken seriously. She can be quite controlling sometimes and often get engulfed in the problems of those around them, forgetting about their own. She need to prioritize better as she panic a lot when dealing with unexpected deadlines.
Lijna is a smart and caring soul
by RzRP November 24, 2021
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