People, usually weebs, who pretend to learn a language but don't actually learn anything, they just like to play pretend. People who Language LARP focus on things that they don't need to know, just because they think it's cool, then they get upset and cry when they have no clue what is going on, and stop learning the language altogether, only to say to people "I used to be fluent in (insert language), but I forgot!"

Something that people on do all the time.
"Where can I find good anime for learning the Osaka dialect? 藁う(means LOL in Japanese v^-^v)"

"Try actually learning regular Japanese first, you Language LARPing weeb"
by nazicumfarts October 15, 2018
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When somebody on the internet writes in a langauge (mainly non-Latin) that they absolutely know nothing about. It is either garbled nonsense or something understandable translated via Google translate, but mostly the former.
boi_amogus: 암얼봉쪙똠힝뻬안으어어으 😲😂😂

xDuncan89: @boi_amogus What you typed doesn't even make sense in Korean. Gtfo with that language LARPing dude.

boi_amogus: @xDuncan89 옴와?? 왕여알옴우준잉윷ᄃ꺽!!!!

Wilbur H: @boi_amogus Bro I am Korean and can confirm what you said is absolute gibberish. Can you not?
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