
super amazing mutual and the best funniest tiktok account ever to exist😫😫
Someone: Omg did you see that kitwalkerismydad just posted again??😯

Me and everyone else: yes they are so amazing😎😎
by dandymottstan88 June 14, 2021
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one of my fav mutuals on tiktok! very creative, funny and makes the best content ily! 💖
omg have you seen kitwalkerismydad’s new tiktok? im literally obsessed with her content.
by mistydaysmud June 18, 2021
Get the kitwalkerismydad mug.


Emma is a very hot, funny, LA gal. SHE HAS AN AMAZING PEE KINK AND HER BROTHER IS PRETTY ANNOYING TBH #GamerGirl. Stans Sarah Paulson bc shes HOT. and we love her #FinalGorlsssss
"kitwalkerismydad" - HOT.
by cindywantstotakebrookethompson September 6, 2021
Get the kitwalkerismydad mug.


kitwalkerismydad is an amazing tiktok account and the best mutual ever 😫😫
Someone: kitwalkerismydad just posted a new tiktok everyone!!💪💪
Me and everyone else: Omg yay we love that account!!
by dandymottstan88 June 14, 2021
Get the kitwalkerismydad mug.