Pardon, excuse me, what the fuck did you just say, what, huh, come get the picture
Dude: Doyouwanagoouttonight?
Other dude: Keh?
by Jowan May 5, 2006
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A label for Marijuana or Cannabis. Derived from another slang term for Marijuana; cone. Historical development from cone to cooooone to keeeeeen to keh.
Can also be used in a plural sense, lets get keh, as in lets get high.
I've been studying all day, im keen to just go home and have a keh.

I'm having an absolute nightmare today, i need a keh.

Were going to 'Taken 2' tonight, lets get keh.
by Skinny420 October 24, 2012
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A demonstration of misunderstanding, applicable to any situation whatsoever. Always followed by a question mark. Never ever a statement.
"I lost my job at the plasticine factory."
"I uh, lost my job at the plasticine factory."
"Kehhhhhh? KEBBEH!?!?!?!"
by facadie September 15, 2007
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Arabian word which refers to a slut/slag/slapper/bitch/hoe/whore/prostitute and mostly used by French chavs
-Kevin :You fat keh swallow me balls

-brenda: oh ! 😡
by extrapute February 13, 2020
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alot of people use it to say what the fuck ?
girl : me and amanda had a sleepover and talked shit about you all night .

boy : KEH ! your gay .
by tiffanyisfuckinggreat September 3, 2009
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Basically means yes,
Basically means yes,
Dude: Do you wana go out tonight?
Other dude: Keh?
by I love me September 16, 2006
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In Dutch it means 'whore'
she is a keh
by suckmysatan March 15, 2017
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