Kamaldeep is a guy who is sweet , cute ,sometimes judgemental...he loves to talk , share and he is an extremely cuddly person and sometimes he becomes emotionally too cold which makes his friends wonder what he is actually thinking about. He loves to have close friends and a great family and he is a true gentleman. Guys named kamaldeep are good at heart and awesome in buttering you up...he cracks a lot of jokes and makes his friends smile ,he loves to know about others and is too sensitive so if u ever find this guy ,keep him close to your heart like a hamster in your pocket...he will love you to the moon and back and beyond...but if you hurt this guy then ur surely gonna lose a great and honest friend
Kamaldeep loves F.R.I.E.N.D.S and he does'nt share food.
by Minithepooh February 28, 2021
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He is a god. Has personality like a god. Treats people like a god. Does good to them like a god. But in reality he is a human being.
I guess he is a god, or maybe even a Kamaldeep
by Rebel9x9 February 28, 2021
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