They are non-binary Aswang royalty, Who is Nicki Minaj's best friend, and makes Dolltastic music 🥩⛓️✨
Stream Jazmin Bean's Princess Castle MV ft Cottontail
by Jazzminbean November 12, 2020
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Jazmin Bean is a very nice singer!They do metal/rock songs that are very appreciated!They came out of the closet saying that they want to become a genderless monster!So Jazmin said that they use they/them pronouns!A lot of people thinks that they're weird in a bad way but a lot of others thinks that Jazmin is genius and love the fact that they re not afraid to be who they are as a public personality!I

personally really love them and totally recommend to give jazmin's music a chance!They really have a different style that you can see everyday and theyre style is really pretty and good-looking!
by b4by_fl3abag August 15, 2021
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A non-binary royal who has an amazing style, they love singing; and you should obviously listen to their re-up, Worldwide Torture, They also do their make-up in such a freaky and alluring way along with their fantastic visuals
Person one: Who the hell is Jazmin Bean? Is she a girl?
Non-binary person: No sir, they are the Royal of royals and once you see them your eyes will be fascinated!!!
by Valentine and Valentin November 12, 2020
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they're an icon, they're a legend and they are the moment
jazmin bean are the ruler of the fucking world
by manelaliaga April 17, 2021
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