To do something with a lot of attitude
She was upset that is iris watsoned
by Maczkaf June 10, 2023
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Verb, to carry out a task with serious attitude.
Shall we Iris Watson to the shops
by Maczkaf June 10, 2023
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An ethereal beauty ready to dominate the universe. It is defined by an excessive obsession over goth , dominant , intelligent communist women. The first case of IKPTD was discovered by AKS (for confidential reasons the name will be hidden).
-Hey how have you been ?
-Dude I cant stop thinking about her its taking over my life , i want her to ruin me.
-Thats the definitely a case of Iri Kwstak Power Top Disorder (IKPTD) , you should get it checked out by a doctor or something.
by nightvbluez April 29, 2024
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A giant planet-sized organism originally thought to be larger than Neptune. It is now believed to be larger than Jupiter. It has intent to mutate the Earth for no goofy ahh reason. It has a series of moons, perhaps hundreds, or thousands of moons, all irregularly shaped and fleshy. It is the main antagonist of the Gemini Home Entertainment Youtube Series.
by SARNAPSIS WILL RISE December 14, 2022
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