An occurrence when a third party puts forth a person for volunteer work against that person's will.
P1: Did you volunteer to work the company's booth for the trade show?
P2: Nobody came forward, so my boss in involunteered me for the job.
by Jarret Dyrbye March 2, 2007
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An involunteer is someone who tells you that they can't volunteer when you ask. It's usually pretty annoying.

This word was created by: FuriousCalel
Boss: "I need a volunteer for the new project"
Employee 1: "You see.. I would but I have plans so I can't"
Boss: "I asked for a volunteer not an involunteer, thank you."
Employee 2: "Yeah, I can do it"
Boss: "Great!"
by FuriousCalel June 12, 2022
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