Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
I love feeling intaxicated!
by Oracle99 April 18, 2003
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euphoria at receiving a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with
one of the winners in the Washington Post's Style Invitational - words altered by adding, subtracting, or changing only one letter and supplying a new definition
by dp916 March 17, 2004
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Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize that it was your money to start with.
Mom: It's okay kids, Dad's just suffering from a mild case of intaxication. He'll be fine tomorrow.
by Miss Know it All May 12, 2007
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The elation of getting a tax refund... Until you realise it was your money to start with.
Vanessa was intaxicated by the prospect of receiving a tax refund.

David: She was filling out our monthly tax forms, when she suddenly started acting like this. Can you explain doctor.

Doctor: She seems to be showing the symptoms of intaxication.
by simon94 August 4, 2010
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the state of euphoria when you see the amount of your income tax refund, before you remember it was your money all along
I was in a state of intaxication when my refund check arrived in the mail
by LthrAusse January 22, 2009
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Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with
I was in such a state of intaxication the other day after getting my tax refund check that I was giddy all day about what I wanted to buy later. Later I realized that it was my money that the government got the interest on in the first place and got a deflation downer.. Oh well, shopping anyway!
by Merry Ellen April 27, 2010
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Happiness when receiving a tax refund...until I realized that Turbo Tax was giving some bank I've never heard of $29.99 of it for reasons unknowable.
I was high on intaxication until I saw that $29.99 was being deducted by a bank in California that I've never heard of on behalf of Turbo Tax.
by Decorina April 18, 2011
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