We smuggled illegal fireworks into the county.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 24, 2005
(1)A "term" that is used by a lot of paranoid UNAMERICAN sissies who have no knowledge causing the ban on all fireworks including the "safe & sane ones"
in general. Note not all states or areas has banned fireworks in general.
(2)Banned fireworks such as Cherry Bombs,Silver Salute, M-1000s 1/2 sticks of Dynamite etc that can cause great or mortal damage.
in general. Note not all states or areas has banned fireworks in general.
(2)Banned fireworks such as Cherry Bombs,Silver Salute, M-1000s 1/2 sticks of Dynamite etc that can cause great or mortal damage.
Man this Forth of July gonna sucks! The state police just ticketed me for having illegal fireworks & too them away!
by BruinKiller3469 March 24, 2009