Hotatian is a beautiful name for a young lady.Hotatian is nice but mostly mean.Hotatian can be lovable,Caring,and more,She is also very pretty,Thick,Always laughing,Got a good amount of hair,loves candy,Always cussing out somebody and everything!Hotatian can also be negative in many ways but after all u gotta love her cause your life would be boring without her being around or brighten up your day.Plus she is a great person to be around with cause she will always make u laugh or smile
“Hotatian is always negative with the words and actions she does and say
by Hotatian January 10, 2018
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Hotatian is a meaning for a pretty young lady,She carries the queen she is and she dont take nothing from nobody.Hotatian is funny,and yes sometimes she can be crazy but she worth it.
by Hotatian March 13, 2017
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