by stan458741 September 28, 2007
The most amazing girl you will ever meet. You'll feel like you can tell her anything and everything about yourself. She will help you through your worst times and be there for you no matter how stupid you are. You'll become so bonded to this girl, and so in love with her, that even when she completely screws you over, lies to you, and over all treats you like shit, you won't be able to stop loving her. She is the best friend anyone could ask for, and she is most definitely my best friend, although I don't think I'm hers, as she has many friends, all of which I could not compare to.
by ulmengurking July 7, 2012
A stupid person who will try to hurt any girl he can find. He usually is a bug tosser and can't tame his mouth. Best advice is to avoid him
by ZAKISKONING April 27, 2014